Friday 15 September 2017

We have been Gathering

This 2 year study funded by the government is an interesting read. It's about how often children have visited a 'natural environment' within the past 12 months- 12% haven't, and a further 5% only once or twice.

My home-town is full of wild spaces to explore, often empty. 

My friend Lorna at Greenwood Growth and I wanted a way to connect people to these beautiful spaces; they deserve to be used. We plotted them down on a 'Wild Map of Leek'- look how green Leek is!

We thought about the barriers that prevent these spaces from being used- knowing where to go, how to get there, fear of strangers, dogs and wildlife and even knowing what to do when you're there.

From these thoughts, the 'Wild Gatherings' were born. Each week, through the powers of Facebook, we let people know where we would be and when we would be there and that anyone would be most welcome to join us, free of charge. 

Each week, we took a couple of open-ended activities with us to start people off- clay, scavenger sheets, bug pots and charcoal among others. To tell you the truth, we weren't expecting much, but we have been overwhelmed by the support and engagement. Some weeks we must have had 25+ children of all ages playing together in woodland, parks and fields, making new friends and discovering new things. 

We've built dens, collected blackberries, played hide and seek, made our own wild creatures, explored new places and even popped popcorn and toasted marshmallows on our very own fire. Sometimes we had visits from curious 'wild animals' that happened to be passing including a frog, a couple of grass-hoppers and several friendly spiders.

The Gatherings are relaxed too. You don't have to block-book or 'pay' in advance. It doesn't matter if you're exactly on time. It doesn't matter if you're ready leave early. You don't feel you have to make your children 'take part'. 

The Gatherings belong to everybody- the wild pockets of Leek have been explored and owned, connections made for life. I hope people return to those spaces, use them and cherish them. You see, I grew up in Leek, and the very essence of those spaces is permanently entwined with my soul, and when I return, I feel an overwhelming sense of home and connection.


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